For the purchase of meteorological products, please contact:

+375 17 389 11 67    +375 17 389 11 02

DO-22 Precipitation Gauge
  • Measurement by weight principle of quantity and intensity of all types of precipitation: liquid, solid, mixed
  • Can be used as a part of automated meteorological systems
  • Heated receiving hole for measurement of quantity of solid and mixed types of precipitation
  • A special mechanism for opening the windshield makes access to the precipitation sensor easy
  • Display of information on external LCD indicator
  • Reduced effect of windshield vibrations on device readings
  • Attached ladder for easy service maintenance of the precipitation sensor
Range of measured precipitation amount 0.2 - 1 500 mm
Sensitivity 0.1 mm
Receiving hole area 200 ±1 cm2
Protection IP 65
Life time 10 years
Interface V.23, RS485
Power supply voltage 24 ±2.4 V / 230 ±23 V
Power consumption ≤ 50 W
точность измерений ± 0,3 гПа
Operation environment:
- ambient temperature -50°С to +65°С
- relative air humidity 0 ÷100%
- atmospheric pressure 600 ÷1100 gPa
Программное обеспечение
Предоставляется по запросу. Пожалуйста, обратитесь в отдел маркетинга и продаж.